Progress on 0.5.0

Hello DotBullet fans, sorry about not making any announcements lately, just been too busy working on the game. 

I am almost done working on stage 5, all i really need to do is add a few enemies, add a proper sprite for shinku (one of the minibosses in stage 5), add the final boss, and add a little something extra. Also have added a few more enemies, some exclusive to stage 5, and added a few more in the previous levels.

I also have finally added a proper in game tutorial, which is something i should've done a long time ago. I'll make it give an achievement when you complete. 

I also did a few more things, such as change the explosion shockwave visual, added a few more border images, changed the enemy bullet sprites, and made it so you can move slower while holding left shift. I've also fixed some problems with the stage 4 boss background, and the shockwave not cancelling enemy bullets. 

Most importantly, I've fixed a problem with some text effects causing the game to lag, and changed the entire enemy spawning system. This SHOULD improve performance.

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